Vincent Poon :: The Food
Again, we stayed as a half-boarding option. While the dinner and breakfast was alright (things could not go too wrong in a buffet-style meal), lunch was a serious problem especially when you only have one paid restaurant with limited choices for 3 consecutive days. On the last day it was a relief to be leaving the hotel. 
Visits: 564 times
Last changed: Jan 14, 2015
36 items in this album
This was our welcome drink, I prefer the lemongrass we had in the previous hotel
Restaurant La Perle. We ate all our 3 lunches here, I had to say the variety was not that great after 3 days
1st day lunch - chicken burgers
spaghetti bolognaise? I think I could do better than this!
This was our welcome drink, I prefer the lemongrass we had in the previous hotel
Restaurant La Perle. We ate all our 3 lunches here, I had to say the variety was not that great after 3 days
1st day lunch - chicken burgers
spaghetti bolognaise? I think I could do better than this!
and also two soft drinks... 20 TND in all!
Dinner time...Cheese  neatly laid out in a circle...nope didn't try
fried fishes... again an abundance of seafood in Tunisia... of course I didn't try
Our old friend Brik again... greasey!
and also two soft drinks... 20 TND in all!
Dinner time...Cheese neatly laid out in a circle...nope didn't try
fried fishes... again an abundance of seafood in Tunisia... of course I didn't try
Our old friend Brik again... greasey!
Pasta salad was nice!
This was nice too!
lasagne and other pasta
A mountain of eggplants... my favourite!
Pasta salad was nice!
This was nice too!
lasagne and other pasta
A mountain of eggplants... my favourite!
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