rajkg :: Arboreal - Musing on trees

An assortment of trees caught in rather pensive moods
Last changed: Dec 20, 2004
10 items in this album
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 www.fotop.net  lightstensil   
Look how spring has deserted me ... A thousand of my arms were not enough to hold her embrace.
Let me shake off her feathers, wipe her halos gilt off my shoulders, let me stop running ...
   until another angel comes by.
The sun plays tricks, crashing through the strands of her hair ... she looks up ...
   reminding you of being born ...
Look how spring has deserted me ... A thousand of my arms were not enough to hold her embrace.
Let me shake off her feathers, wipe her halos gilt off my shoulders, let me stop running ... until another angel comes by.
The sun plays tricks, crashing through the strands of her hair ... she looks up ... reminding you of being born ...
I stood ever so firm against the tides of changes ... till my ideals eroded .. and set me free.
Around my face, she floats her hair to sprinkle down and set the pieces of this most colorful kaleidoscope ...
   and she does that again .. and again .. and again ...
I keep my eye to see thy beauty, I never grow old ...
I stood ever so firm against the tides of changes ... till my ideals eroded .. and set me free.
Around my face, she floats her hair to sprinkle down and set the pieces of this most colorful kaleidoscope ... and she does that again .. and again .. and again ...
I keep my eye to see thy beauty, I never grow old ...
In one I hold passion, the next nurses hope ... then theres joy, bouts of rage, blithesome wonder and grief.
I fear the dark, the nights eating away the last bits of crimson from my skies ... 
   to which I try to hold on to ... in vain ...
I love your lips when they're wet with wine
   and red with a wild desire, your hair when the strands enmesh
   your kisses against my face.
In one I hold passion, the next nurses hope ... then theres joy, bouts of rage, blithesome wonder and grief.
I fear the dark, the nights eating away the last bits of crimson from my skies ... to which I try to hold on to ... in vain ...
I love your lips when they're wet with wine and red with a wild desire, your hair when the strands enmesh your kisses against my face.

 www.fotop.net  lightstensil   
2 0.00149083137512 0.10267996788