« May 2024 »
Sunday 04th January 2009 06:14:13 PM

While most people are celebrating the coming of 2009 and greeting each other Happy New Year, a war broke out in the Middle East. Rockets were shot by the Hamas at Isreal. After several days of air strike, Isreali troops are invading the Gaza strip. UN Security Council is in emergency session. US presidential power is in transition, an awkward moment! While Bush is worrying about his own legacy, Obama is waiting on the side at a Hawaiian resort! Another bailout up to 1 trillion is being debated, in order to pull the once upon a time the all mighty American car industry and the worsening recession out of collapse.Can the US Treasury keep printing dollar bills?! Can the Isreali and Palestinian children forget the injuries their country inflicted on each other when they grow up?

God have mercy on us!

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