Album Index:
體康盃-競技賽(Propeller) (179 hits)
PERM annual din (propeller) (292 hits)
PERM Singcon (Propeller) (267 hits)
PERM 體康盃-足球(propeller) (428 hits)
PERM AAB RUN (propeller) (140 hits)
PERM 團年飯 (propeller) (467 hits)
PERM 會內聯誼-極限飛盤(PERCOLATOR) (374 hits)
PERM Annual Dinner(PERCOLATOR) (420 hits)
PERM 系際乒乓球(PERCOLATOR) (242 hits)
PERM 系際籃球(PERCOLATOR) (513 hits)
PERM 體康盃 - 足球(PERCOLATOR) (694 hits)
PERM 團年飯(PERCOLATOR) (629 hits)
PERM 系際羽毛球(PERCOLATOR) (808 hits)
PERM SingCon(PERCOLATOR) (768 hits)
PERM Aweek(PERCOLATOR) (762 hits)
PERM 陸運會(PERCOLATOR) (510 hits)
PERM 水運會(PERCOLATOR) (1791 hits)
PERM OCAMP 2015 (PERCOLATOR) (663 hits)
學術週17.11.2014 (592 hits)
系際足球比賽2014 (663 hits)
系際排球比賽2014 (688 hits)
陸運會1.11.2014 (551 hits)
第一屆泡泡世界盃 (709 hits)
水運會2014 (1300 hits)
2014 O Camp Day2 (566 hits)
2014 O Camp Day1 (1465 hits)
Onight 2014-小學雞 (352 hits)
PERM OCAMP 2014 (1183 hits)
體康盃 - 競技賽 (1110 hits)
22nd Annual Dinner (857 hits)
體康盃 - 排球 (1037 hits)
發財盃 (714 hits)
團年飯 (700 hits)
AAB RUN (675 hits)
Singing Contest (759 hits)
2014台灣交流團 (371 hits)
Day 1 (275 hits)
Day 2 (553 hits)
Day 3 (270 hits)
Day 4 (550 hits)
Day 5 (172 hits)
2013 Xmas Party (962 hits)
體康盃-閃避球 (468 hits)
系際排球 (298 hits)
男排 (179 hits)
VS SOWK (201 hits)
VS CIE (460 hits)
學術週 2013-2014 (585 hits)
2013-2014 Athletics Meet (1176 hits)
21st Outdoor Pursuit -Climbing (587 hits)
2013-2014 Aquatic Meet (1146 hits)
體康盃- 籃球 (653 hits)
迎新晚會 - 『職業』 (510 hits)
2013 PERM O CAMP - MONOPOLY (776 hits)
DAY 1 (1145 hits)
DAY 2 (975 hits)
DAY 3 (509 hits)
Pre-O X BBQ 同樂日 (727 hits)
2013 Reg Day (837 hits)
18th&19th畢業生歡送派對 (1091 hits)
「體薈」就職典禮 (1166 hits)
2013 系際籃球 (390 hits)
2013 PERM Annual Dinner (674 hits)
2013 慶蛇年之團年飯 (259 hits)
LUNG YI’S CAMERA (284 hits)
2013 體康盃之排球 (379 hits)
Part 1 (469 hits)
2013 PERM Korea Study Tour (312 hits)
Day 1 (161 hits)
Day 1 by Grace (225 hits)
Day 1 by Lung Yi (205 hits)
Day 2 by Grace (224 hits)
Day 2 (110 hits)
2012 CHRISTMAS PARTY (229 hits)
Taken by Mabel (456 hits)
Taken by Ping (576 hits)
2012 社科盾籃球比賽 (210 hits)
決賽vs SRL (315 hits)
2012體康盃第二擊~籃球 (270 hits)
Part 1 (512 hits)
2012系際排球 (328 hits)
男子第一場vs CS (197 hits)
女子決賽VS SRS (139 hits)
男子決賽VS SRL (265 hits)
2012體康盃第一擊-閃避球 (217 hits)
Taken by Mabel and Grace (292 hits)
2012 Aquatic Meet (1203 hits)
2012 Athletics Meet (406 hits)
Taken by Tammy (684 hits)
Taken by Grace and Mabel (1215 hits)
2012 O night 民族風之夜 (984 hits)
2012 PERM O CAMP之加勒比海盜王!! (516 hits)
2012.08.31 Day 1(Part 1) (297 hits)
Day 1 Morning (323 hits)
Day 1 Afternoon (148 hits)
Day 1 Night (223 hits)
2012.09.01 Day 2 (395 hits)
Day 2 Morning (669 hits)
From Tin Yau (566 hits)
Day 2 Afternoon (340 hits)
Day 2 Night (153 hits)
2012.09.02 Day 3 (389 hits)
2012.08.21 Pre-O Day (1123 hits)
2012 Reg Day (4年制) (367 hits)
2012體康盃 - 競技賽 (751 hits)
2012 PERM燒烤同樂日@獅子山 (453 hits)
2012 Reg Day (3年制) (576 hits)
畢業生歡送派對 (846 hits)
動源的就職典禮 (849 hits)
2011 Rope Skipping (450 hits)
2011 Sports Day (818 hits)
Swimming gala (1511 hits)
Untitled (91 hits)
O Night 2011 懷舊夜 (1342 hits)
PERM 迎新營 2011 (1426 hits)
2011 單車同樂日 (1259 hits)
2011 新生註冊日 (1136 hits)
畢業生歡送派對 2011 (1225 hits)
2010-2011 林子豐盃頒獎典禮 (875 hits)
系際足球 (537 hits)
16強 vs 中研 (377 hits)
8強 vs CS (317 hits)
社盾歌唱比賽 (794 hits)
Annual Dinner (1230 hits)
系際網球 (624 hits)
體康盃 - 競技賽 (917 hits)
體康盃 - 閃避球 (834 hits)
學術週 (420 hits)
Opening Ceremony (270 hits)
A Week Content (225 hits)
團年飯 (837 hits)
2010-2011 南韓首爾Study Tour (482 hits)
Siu Ming (Day 1) (588 hits)
Siu Ming (Day 2) (626 hits)
繽紛聖誕在樂圓~ (892 hits)
體康盃 - 籃球 (1123 hits)
體育超級聯賽 (663 hits)
中大站:排球 (421 hits)
浸大站:籃球 (395 hits)
教院站:足球 (339 hits)
體康盃 - 排球 (1456 hits)
每月推介 (1126 hits)
十一月推介之帆船 (666 hits)
十月推介之羽毛球 (490 hits)
九月推介之跳繩 (552 hits)
新生推介之WAR GAME (266 hits)
七月推介之沙灘日 (554 hits)
六月推介之BOWLING (465 hits)
五月推介之WAR GAME (462 hits)
系際羽毛球 (515 hits)
四強 vs SRS (373 hits)
決賽 vs SRL (405 hits)
秋季大旅行 (1068 hits)
社會科學院聯賽 籃球賽 (664 hits)
第一場初賽 VS SOWK (350 hits)
第二場初賽 VS GIS (362 hits)
第三場初賽 VS SOCI (245 hits)
決賽 VS SRL (429 hits)
系際排球 (629 hits)
女子組第一場 (216 hits)
男子組第一場 (340 hits)
女子組八強戰 (313 hits)
男子組八強戰 (329 hits)
女子組四強戰 (278 hits)
男子組四強戰 (311 hits)
女子組決賽 (295 hits)
男子組決賽 (358 hits)
第四十二屆水運會 (1351 hits)
Morning (3189 hits)
Afternoon (2504 hits)
2010 O-Night (1209 hits)
18th Outdoor Pursuit Climbing & Abseiling (1304 hits)
體康盃 - Wii大賽 (1329 hits)
第五十二屆陸運會 (3187 hits)
夏水禮 (3132 hits)
O CAMP大RE-U暨開學飯 (1006 hits)
2010 O-Camp (833 hits)
25/8 Day1 (437 hits)
Day1 morning (560 hits)
Day1 afternoon (417 hits)
Day1 night (1006 hits)
26/8 Day2 (442 hits)
Day2 morning (515 hits)
Day2 afternoon (372 hits)
Day2 night (643 hits)
27/8 Day3 (352 hits)
Day3 morning (414 hits)
2010 O-Camp Pre-Camp (1545 hits)
PERM O'day 2010 (967 hits)
2010新生註冊日 (819 hits)
30 JULY (NON-JUPAS) (833 hits)
2 AUG (JUPAS) (685 hits)
Tim's camera (227 hits)
系際足球比賽2010 (800 hits)
22/6四強: PERM vs CBS (617 hits)
11/6 PERM vs ACCT (574 hits)
畢業師兄姐遊船河派對2010 (6981 hits)
林子豐博士紀念盃運動頒獎典禮2010 (855 hits)
十八屆樂圓就職典禮 (1402 hits)
Annual Dinner 2010 (1481 hits)
fion's cam (685 hits)
Ballho's (559 hits)
體康盃-競技賽 (1189 hits)
系際籃球比賽2010 (541 hits)
20/3_?????? (VS CIE) (625 hits)
系際網球比賽2010 (796 hits)
Untitled (372 hits)
社盾2010 (461 hits)
學術週2010 (771 hits)
體康盃-閃避球2010 (635 hits)
Manchi's DC (441 hits)
Christmas Party 2009 (1947 hits)
???-??2009 (1243 hits)
衝勁樂2009 (2014 hits)
系際排球比賽2009 (644 hits)
9/11 女子 vs BMS (320 hits)
10/11男子 vs Soci (405 hits)
13/11女子_vs SOWK (466 hits)
17/11女子_vs L (294 hits)
17/11 男子 vs ECON (147 hits)
18/11 女排季軍戰 (320 hits)
19/11男子 vs CIE (272 hits)
23/11男排季軍戰 (257 hits)
社科院足球賽2009 (778 hits)
27-10-09 vs HIST (576 hits)
29 -10-09 vs 中研 (304 hits)
4-12-09 vs L (490 hits)
系際羽毛球比賽2009 (1247 hits)
19-10-09 VS Maths (285 hits)
24-10-09 vs CBS (212 hits)
30-10-09 vs BMS (386 hits)
???-??2009 (2343 hits)
Sports Day 2009 (1058 hits)
Manchi's DC (871 hits)
Colin's DC (1438 hits)
ching's dc (1555 hits)
Swimming Gala 2009 (1320 hits)
Manchi's DC (2048 hits)
PERM O'night 2009 (1967 hits)
Info Day 09 (550 hits)
kaze's DC (318 hits)
Manchi's DC (363 hits)
17th 攀石堂 (1399 hits)
O-Camp 2009 (1514 hits)
Day 1 (1387 hits)
Day 2 (1096 hits)
Day 3 (648 hits)
ShuGe Camera (590 hits)
18th O Day (1173 hits)
Reg Day 2009 (1021 hits)
first day (941 hits)
(fion's cam) (528 hits)
筋肉擂台Trial (1030 hits)
Manchi (1133 hits)
Faculty Day 2009 (773 hits)
Dragon Boat 2009 (997 hits)
歡送師兄姐派對2009 (1888 hits)
KEN WONG'S (1870 hits)
YOYO'S (1003 hits)
Manchi's (2022 hits)
SOPHIA's (1042 hits)
Kiki's (1104 hits)
喜動就職典禮 (1319 hits)
coco's (988 hits)
Wade's (960 hits)
體康盃--競技 (957 hits)
geli's (943 hits)
ricky's (770 hits)
系際足球 2009 (885 hits)
VS CIE (281 hits)
KEN WONG'S (241 hits)
VS CS (159 hits)
VS GIS (237 hits)
yoyo's (148 hits)
VS SRL (332 hits)
SUET'S (301 hits)
GELI'S (164 hits)
IVY'S (187 hits)
SOPHIA'S (290 hits)
VS HRM (396 hits)
Sports Teams Celebration Dinner 09 (897 hits)
IVY'S (712 hits)
geli's (627 hits)
體育盃-閃避球2009 (1132 hits)
系際籃球09 (1280 hits)
PERM VS HUM (559 hits)
PERM VS CHEM (328 hits)
IVY'S (313 hits)
GELI'S (205 hits)
2009 系際籃球 VS CIE (555 hits)
KUK'S (386 hits)
IVY'S (301 hits)
VS COMM AND SRL (302 hits)
GELI'S (231 hits)
IVY'S (338 hits)
林子豐盃 2009 (797 hits)
annual dinner 2009 (1060 hits)
IVY'S (1442 hits)
GELI'S (432 hits)
WINNIE'S (825 hits)
社盾 2009 (761 hits)
系際網球2009 (855 hits)
VS ACCT (417 hits)
VS SRL (270 hits)
GELI'S (170 hits)
MABEL'S (306 hits)
VS CIE & VA (276 hits)
IVY'S (255 hits)
MABEL'S (160 hits)
GELI'S (125 hits)
2009 學術週 (850 hits)
IVY'S (666 hits)
Winnie's (689 hits)
體推 - 香港道教聯合會學校 (1420 hits)
體康盃排球 2009 (719 hits)
IVY'S (672 hits)
體康盃排球 (506 hits)
團年飯 2009 (826 hits)
IVY'S (1670 hits)
Winnie's (310 hits)
社科院盃 - 籃球 (965 hits)
VS HIST (648 hits)
VS SOWK (322 hits)
GELI'S (343 hits)
IVY'S (251 hits)
VS SOCI(決賽) (333 hits)
IVY'S (374 hits)
GELI'S (218 hits)
2009 牛年新春發財盃 (750 hits)
年初四(初賽) (482 hits)
年初五(決賽) (625 hits)
16th Outdoor Pursuit (1042 hits)
輕輕鬆鬆海陸空 (469 hits)
IVY'S (922 hits)
GELI'S (542 hits)
十六屆七個人小隊 (467 hits)
Kaze's (1400 hits)
Lokia's (360 hits)
Yan's (305 hits)
SOS (561 hits)
XMAS PARTY 2008 (755 hits)
IVY'S (1297 hits)
OBHKCC 08 (999 hits)
系際羽毛球2008 (983 hits)
(決賽)PERM VS CIE (495 hits)
IVY'S (437 hits)
Kaze's (482 hits)
PERM VS SOCI (327 hits)
PERM VS HRMS (381 hits)
PERM VS PSYCHO (518 hits)
16th 攀石堂 (823 hits)
IVY'S (1107 hits)
系際排球 2008 (1175 hits)
排球(男子) (548 hits)
VS中研 (475 hits)
VS VA (559 hits)
VS VA (316 hits)
女子決賽 vs CIE (530 hits)
決賽 (368 hits)
排球SEMI FINAL (338 hits)
陸運會18.10.08 (1306 hits)
Kaze\'s DC (829 hits)
IVY'S (857 hits)
Chu Chu's (1132 hits)
Winnie's (982 hits)
PERM O'Night 08 (895 hits)
Ivy\'s DC (1536 hits)
Kaze DC (759 hits)
swimming gala 11.10.08 (2602 hits)
IVY'S (1229 hits)
KIKO's (1529 hits)
Kaze\'s DC (1906 hits)
德哥 (1196 hits)
16th 獨木舟堂 (1652 hits)
PERM 17th OCAMP (1653 hits)
KIT~~ (1148 hits)
KIKO DC (2219 hits)
Kaze's DC (751 hits)
OCAMP DAY 1 (2251 hits)
OCAMP DAY2 (821 hits)
OCAMP DAY3 (784 hits)
Lokia (1116 hits)
Ivy DC (1484 hits)
info day 2008 (920 hits)
Ivy's (584 hits)
Coco\'s camera (589 hits)
社科院足球08 (949 hits)
VS GIS (536 hits)
VS HIST (609 hits)
VS SOCI (300 hits)
VS GIS (決賽) (419 hits)
體康盃-籃球賽08 (879 hits)
Candy\'s DC (759 hits)
. (426 hits)
PERM 17th o\'camp(師兄姊聚會) (1264 hits)
芝娃華15th (1025 hits)
PERM 17th O Day (903 hits)
Kaze\'s camera (1251 hits)
Untitled (367 hits)
Reg Day 2008 (1090 hits)
Kaze's camera (1269 hits)
ivy\'s (882 hits)
Winnie\'s (412 hits)
Boat Trip 2008 (2339 hits)
BY Winnie (2518 hits)
BY TingTing (2759 hits)
by SinC (788 hits)
by SinC (909 hits)
Felix's DC (350 hits)
Faculty Day 08 (737 hits)
承樂- 就職典禮 (1283 hits)
By Belly (1903 hits)
chiwawa (715 hits)
SinC (936 hits)
系際足球08 (841 hits)
chiwawa (562 hits)
體推之天水驕陽08 (1270 hits)
chiwawa(香島閃避球) (898 hits)
chiwawa(香島巧固球) (581 hits)
felix (天遁閃避球) (434 hits)
felix(馬振玉閃避球) (505 hits)
香島(第三日) (550 hits)
chiwawa (329 hits)
聯校挑戰盃08 (994 hits)
chiwawa (1000 hits)
SinC (349 hits)
系際籃球季軍戰08 (1147 hits)
chiwawa (1046 hits)
SiNC (432 hits)
奧運選手講座08 (1060 hits)
chiwawa (1080 hits)
Untitled (405 hits)
SinC (527 hits)
SinC (692 hits)
體康盃競技賽 (974 hits)
社盾歌唱比賽08 (1171 hits)
chiwawa (1203 hits)
Annual Dinner 2008 (1190 hits)
Felix's DC (897 hits)
chiwawa (1665 hits)
Untitled (1374 hits)
perm academic week 07-08 (992 hits)
felix's dc (691 hits)
chiwawa (828 hits)
發財盃決賽2008 (1102 hits)
study tour 08 (1199 hits)
chiwawa (3769 hits)
Felix's DC (1707 hits)
Chu (1246 hits)
JacKUK and Jordan (1232 hits)
coco's nikon (945 hits)
elaine's (964 hits)
SinC's (920 hits)
體康盃排球07 (2177 hits)
chiwawa (1737 hits)
Felix's DC (5459 hits)
送豬迎鼠團年飯 (807 hits)
Felix's DC (582 hits)
SinC 's DC (413 hits)
chiwawa (748 hits)
閃避球08 (750 hits)
chiwawa (815 hits)
Outward bound 07 (823 hits)
Outward bound (07) (1262 hits)
outdoor pursuits 08 (1042 hits)
彩虹組 (744 hits)
chiwawa (1730 hits)
elaine (1015 hits)
Felix's DC (392 hits)
七個頭組 (493 hits)
lungz (1334 hits)
money (688 hits)
斷背 (365 hits)
斷背So (1168 hits)
07'outdoor rec.-獅子山 (1076 hits)
wongngachun (1075 hits)
Ruby's (542 hits)
系際羽毛球@07 (855 hits)
系制羽毛球(perm vs soci) (553 hits)
系制羽毛球(perm vs 中研) (538 hits)
系制羽毛球(perm vs 中醫) (658 hits)
系制羽毛球final(perm vs econ) (559 hits)
07\'outdoor rec.-單車日 (617 hits)
Ruby\'s (748 hits)
07'outdoor recreation-蚺蛇尖 (854 hits)
wongngachun (1186 hits)
Shing (1001 hits)
Ruby's (663 hits)
千人盆菜07 (820 hits)
chiwawa (686 hits)
Felix's Camera (629 hits)
排球系際 (976 hits)
系際排球8強 (751 hits)
系際排球 (974 hits)
女子排球決賽 (735 hits)
社科院盃足球賽@07 (735 hits)
社科院盃足球賽(perm vs 中研) (717 hits)
社科院盃第二場(perm vs 歐研) (599 hits)
社科院盃第三場(perm vs hist) (370 hits)
社科院盃4強賽(perm vs gis) (377 hits)
GYM 1 2007 (1351 hits)
chiwawa (248 hits)
體康盃籃球賽@07 (1451 hits)
體康盃閃避球 (164 hits)
陸運會07 (1319 hits)
chiwawa sport day07 (2106 hits)
Felix's DC (1503 hits)
大會攝影 (719 hits)
SinC\'s DC (452 hits)
15th Outdoor Pursuit前哨戰 (560 hits)
攀石堂 15th (607 hits)
Felix's DC (934 hits)
By SinC's DC (352 hits)
阿so's DC (513 hits)
獨木舟07 (918 hits)
outdoor Recreation - Repulse Bay (2101 hits)
Swimming Gala 2007 (3331 hits)
Mag\'s camera (684 hits)
EDIT LATER 同雷博士周教授爬獨木舟^^ (1089 hits)
PERMAA vs. Finance Alumni 足球友誼賽 (529 hits)
Information Day@07 (536 hits)
O'Night 2007 (1143 hits)
Alice's Camera (1218 hits)
SinC's DC (723 hits)
chiwawa (763 hits)
Felix\'s DC (688 hits)
社科院足球熱身賽 (745 hits)
社科院足球熱身賽第1場(PERM VS SOWK) (750 hits)
社科院足球熱身賽第2場(PERM VS 歐研) (404 hits)
社科院足球熱身賽第3場(PERM VS 地理) (353 hits)
校友日 (1018 hits)
6-9-07 perm oday (930 hits)
O'Camp 2007 (1475 hits)
chiwawa (2260 hits)
kiko's DC (643 hits)
BY SinC (1392 hits)
elaine's DC (719 hits)
Chi Ho's Camera (569 hits)
Felix camera (889 hits)
PERM 16th O\'day@9-8-07 (1287 hits)
16th reg day (1332 hits)
歡送師兄師姐boat trip 07 (2068 hits)
coco's camera (2993 hits)
chiwawa's camera (3039 hits)
系際足球06-07 (1105 hits)
划龍舟比賽@07 (1637 hits)
Dance Exam 07-chachacha (1462 hits)
系際籃球比賽07 (1021 hits)
15th Inauguration Ceremony (1665 hits)
聯校挑戰盃06-07 (825 hits)
籃球賽 (538 hits)
排球賽 (1218 hits)
足球賽 (410 hits)
PERMAA 新春BBQ 24-2-07 (760 hits)
annualdinner07 (3413 hits)
社盾-歌唱比賽07 (749 hits)
體康盃排球賽2007 (1401 hits)
體康聯賽--發財盃2007 (853 hits)
DAY 1 (528 hits)
DAY 2 (552 hits)
團年飯2007 (1753 hits)
體康盃-籃球賽2006 (1081 hits)
Brigitta\'s Camara (908 hits)
Yung\'s Camara (497 hits)
社科院足球賽2007 (731 hits)
體康推廣活動-郭得勝天主教中學 (902 hits)
Perm Christmas Party 2007 (727 hits)
Felix's DC (1165 hits)
SinC's DC (678 hits)
14th Outdoor Pursuits (1096 hits)
Yung's DC (642 hits)
Day 1 (606 hits)
Day 2 (1381 hits)
Day 3 (347 hits)
kiko's DC (1159 hits)
怒奔走漂流記 (509 hits)
preTRIP (288 hits)
theFIRSTday (403 hits)
theSECONDday (823 hits)
theLASTday (229 hits)
健康快車 (834 hits)
北京學術交流團 2006 (1614 hits)
Yungs DC (750 hits)
Day 1 (598 hits)
Day 2 (534 hits)
Day 3 (655 hits)
Day 4 (477 hits)
Day 5 (569 hits)
Day 6 (257 hits)
From KUK (984 hits)
kiko's camera (515 hits)
DAY 1 (450 hits)
DAY 2 (725 hits)
DAY 3 (362 hits)
DAY 4 (438 hits)
DAY 5 DAY 6 (462 hits)
yu dc (900 hits)
Shing's Camera (570 hits)
文's camera (1845 hits)
Brigitta's DC (1054 hits)
智豪's DC (845 hits)
芝's DC (535 hits)
Siu Lun' Camera (1106 hits)
elaine's DC (463 hits)
lik (1171 hits)
李展的 (439 hits)
Corporate Challenge Day 2006 (634 hits)
第一屆活木球大專賽 (1404 hits)
系際羽毛球決賽2006 (866 hits)
陸運會2006 (1326 hits)
Siu Lun\'s Camera (2048 hits)
kiko's Camera (1090 hits)
田項 (812 hits)
徑項 (1015 hits)
permers (992 hits)
得獎 (849 hits)
group (677 hits)
體康盃-閃避球2006 (1319 hits)
Swimming Gala 2006 (2230 hits)
Swimming Gala 2006 (3215 hits)
kiko's DC (1912 hits)
2012.08.21 Pre-O Day (116 hits)
14屆攀石堂 (1161 hits)
yung's DC (1002 hits)
kiko's DC (872 hits)
From Dr. Chow\'s DC (265 hits)
Basketball Match (986 hits)
PERM O DAY 2006 + Basketball game! (1327 hits)
track suit (609 hits)
12th心光學校服務 (931 hits)
Annual Dinner 2006 (1332 hits)
The Time . We Prepare (533 hits)
We are PERMsss (642 hits)
All of us (448 hits)
When the time we eat (386 hits)
We (458 hits)
They are 14th (505 hits)
Eating It (435 hits)
Before we leave (497 hits)
All about Gifts (507 hits)
健體測試活動 (736 hits)
HKBU I Day 2006 (1573 hits)
PERM O'CAMP 2006 (1928 hits)
Yung's DC (2971 hits)
Brigitta's DC (1032 hits)
kiko's DC (1261 hits)
DAY 1 Morning (1401 hits)
DAY 1 Night (1415 hits)
Treasure Hunt (374 hits)
DAY 2 Night (1148 hits)
DAY 3 (1192 hits)
O' Day 2006 (995 hits)
yung's camera (849 hits)
kiko's camera (934 hits)
Information Day (888 hits)
春茗聚餐 (1007 hits)
社盾 (602 hits)
Academic Week 06 (940 hits)
籃球友誼賽(perm vs 珠海書院) (857 hits)
系際排球比賽2006 (1004 hits)
girl (852 hits)
boy (1159 hits)
selected_population (686 hits)
PERM O'Night 2006 (1032 hits)
Woodball Photo (592 hits)
Reg Day 2006 (1164 hits)
Yung's DC (1048 hits)
kiko's camera (878 hits)
kuk kuk kuk (450 hits)
PERMAA AGM (582 hits)
PERM14 gathering - beach and BBQ (2839 hits)
Tak's Camara (2237 hits)
kiko's camera (5331 hits)
12th Outdoor Recreation- Repluse Bay Field Trip (3676 hits)
龍舟比賽 (1085 hits)
Tak's Camara (657 hits)
kiko's camera (775 hits)
就職典禮 2006 (1007 hits)
By Caesar\'s Cam (741 hits)
敢動就職典禮 (1193 hits)
11th&12th畢業相 (1500 hits)
Yung's Camara (944 hits)
Andrew\'s Camera (768 hits)
Yan\'s Camera (638 hits)
Farewell Sea trip 2006 (4249 hits)
Andrew\'s Camera (6718 hits)
Yung's Camara (4640 hits)
kiko's camera (2276 hits)
tak's camera (1865 hits)
Others (933 hits)
Angel Leung\'s Album (1780 hits)
12thfinallesson (721 hits)
Selected Pop Beach Lesson (1965 hits)
windsurfing (923 hits)
Christmas Party 2006 (557 hits)
Untitled (1058 hits)
WoodBall Day at UST (1150 hits)
系際籃球 (851 hits)
No Title (614 hits)
聯校挑戰杯06 (792 hits)
籃球,排球 (596 hits)
Caesar's phone (396 hits)
Fire Fighters Game Helper (528 hits)
Andrew\'s Camera (367 hits)
Conman\'s Camera (456 hits)
學術週2005 (1179 hits)
Press Conference of Dance Research (631 hits)
系際排球 (960 hits)
men\'s final (555 hits)
社科院足球賽 (769 hits)
study tour-----Tai Wan (984 hits)
FATWA\'S CAMERA (705 hits)
Andrew\'s Camera (767 hits)
shun\'s camera (435 hits)
king\'s camera (720 hits)
開年飯 Andrew\'s Camera (791 hits)
13th outdoor pursuit (754 hits)
king\'s camera (985 hits)
震西\'s camera (577 hits)
12thbike (779 hits)
13th climling (1397 hits)
體康杯---籃球 (1092 hits)
Reg Day & O day 2005 (844 hits)
聯系活動 (740 hits)
聯系活動2005(vs SRS) (993 hits)
12th Outdoor Rec Night Trip (698 hits)
Information day 2005 (817 hits)
舊生會 (643 hits)
水運會 2005 (2313 hits)
pui's camera (2035 hits)
fat wa\'s camera (1662 hits)
king\'s camera (2057 hits)
12th Wong Shek Water Sports Center Site Visit (1156 hits)
系際羽毛球2005 (709 hits)
VS MATHS (520 hits)
vs COMM (417 hits)
陸運會05 (966 hits)
carsar\'s camera (926 hits)
king\'s camera (744 hits)
大佬 camera (519 hits)
信 camera (312 hits)
青衣室內體育館 & 迪士尼 (841 hits)
Ocamp 2005 (1715 hits)
King Camera (1619 hits)
Shin Camera (993 hits)
Untitled (214 hits)
Fat wa\'s cam (723 hits)
Ceasar cam (1068 hits)
12th YMCA HK Visit (778 hits)
o\'night 2005 (744 hits)
Motor Learning (686 hits)
馮英騏 (1799 hits)
outdoorrecreation (560 hits)
Andrew\'s Camera (415 hits)
Conman's Camera (487 hits)
Year 3 Farewell 2005 (3255 hits)
Fat Wa's camera (2267 hits)
king's camera (2323 hits)
大佬 (1942 hits)
12th Public and Community Recreation Site visit (909 hits)
Annual Dinner 2005 (1245 hits)
Tung Yi (961 hits)
Maxx (822 hits)
Tom (998 hits)
16-3-05諮詢大會 (788 hits)
第十三屆學會就職典禮 (2541 hits)
聯校挑戰盃-籃球&排球 (1075 hits)
Dance Research Project 2005 (121 hits)
1st lesson (61 hits)
2nd lesson (46 hits)
3rd lesson (48 hits)
4th lesson (41 hits)
5th lesson (23 hits)
6th lesson (47 hits)
7th lesson (45 hits)
8th lesson (58 hits)
系際足球 (1048 hits)
PERM VS CIE (759 hits)
PERM VS ACCT (599 hits)
系際籃球05 (1343 hits)
LCSD Health and Fitness Test (663 hits)
Year 2 high jump (1003 hits)
社盾 (572 hits)
12th Climbing Leson (1419 hits)
九龍仔運動場測試 (832 hits)
團年飯05 (1097 hits)
A Week 2005 (964 hits)
Day1 (544 hits)
Tung Yi's Camera (660 hits)
Chun Yue\'s Camera (648 hits)
Day 2 (385 hits)
Chun Yu\'s Camera (276 hits)
Day 3 (362 hits)
Day 4 (315 hits)
Day 5 (374 hits)
恆動就職典禮 (1614 hits)
聯校挑戰盃-足球 (965 hits)
Outdoor Pursuit (1146 hits)
Andrew\'s Camera (871 hits)
Conman\'s Camera (365 hits)
Tung Yi\'s Camara (580 hits)
Tom\'s Camera (479 hits)
Jack\'s Camera (759 hits)
Maxx\'s Camera (939 hits)
Dunet's Camera (418 hits)
Study Tour 2004 (1362 hits)
Conman\'s Camera (582 hits)
Day1 (266 hits)
Day2 (560 hits)
Day3 (353 hits)
Day4 (422 hits)
Day5 (359 hits)
Andrew\'s Camera (1119 hits)
Jack\'s Camera (765 hits)
Tung Yi\'s Camera (893 hits)
Maxx\'s Camera (926 hits)
Mosquito\'s Camera (196 hits)
發財盃2005 (963 hits)
體康盃籃球賽決賽 (914 hits)
School Team Photo (887 hits)
體康盃籃球賽 (799 hits)
12th Dance Exam (2025 hits)
12th Dance (1024 hits)
八鄉消防訓練學校 (2436 hits)
Health and Fitness Promotion Program 5 (1257 hits)
樂善堂劉德小學健康講座 (800 hits)
Swimming Gala (3353 hits)
Andrew's Camera (2220 hits)
Maxx's Camera (1833 hits)
Angel's Camera (2312 hits)
Hoi Lam's Camera (584 hits)
Tracy's (1223 hits)
Conman's Camera (1724 hits)
Chun Shing's Camera (2681 hits)
社科院聯賽冠軍盃 (1304 hits)
第一場 (936 hits)
第三場 (607 hits)
Annual Dinner (932 hits)
Tseung Kwan O Talk (1137 hits)
Dragon Boat Festival (809 hits)
Yr.3 Graduation Photos (1014 hits)
Jordan Visit (896 hits)
Inter Dept Volleyball Final (907 hits)
Tseung Kwan O Service (837 hits)
Health and Fitness Promotion Programme 2 (611 hits)
中國金牌運動員大匯演 (1390 hits)
TVB Sports Gala (1362 hits)
O Night (4248 hits)
Athletics Meet 2004 (1653 hits)
Andrew\'s Camera (1936 hits)
Conman\'s Camera (1067 hits)
Tung Yi\'s Camera (998 hits)
Health and Fittness Promotion Programme 3 (774 hits)
Health and Fitness Promotion Program 4 (1083 hits)
聯系活動 Soccer Match PERM VS CIE-PE (965 hits)
Health and Fitness Promotion Programme 1 (696 hits)
獨木舟班 (1174 hits)
Year 3 Farewell (3642 hits)
O Camp (2975 hits)
Day1 (3162 hits)
Day2 (2992 hits)
Day3 (1957 hits)
regday (1601 hits)
Yr 2 Outdoor pursuit-Canoe Lesson (1562 hits)
Artery Photos (1666 hits)
Olympic Day Run 20/06/04 (677 hits)
發財杯06 (600 hits)
2014 Reg Dday (66 hits)
1718 Pre Ocamp (45 hits)
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