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Monday 17th April 2006 10:11:32 AM

11.00wake to work........got my first meal at 3:00~~then ate a big piece of black forest cake.....fuckin full already=_____=.......got a gls of "red bean sweet soup"from the old women which i hate b4-0-...............6:00 my second meal of today=_=......dont know y can fit that much food......then finished work\^0^/

back home.......bath then out with my brother allen n louis~been hooter again havin my third meal o__O"got oyster,prawn,wings,soup,oinin rings,potato salad,and 2 chicken steak.............

after din........gonna to watch "scary movie 4"at show case ~but v miss 10:10 one=="need to wait until 12:00 4 the next~so.....they went to paly bowling....which the game i hate so much=0=coz im crapt=¤f=!!!! then snooker.......till the bowling center shut........back to the cinema.....bought some drinks........bag pop con......chocolate.......n louis got 10 pound of  sweet!!!!!!crazy!!10 pound!!!!!dont think there r anyone will buy 10 pound of sweet when they watch film=="he'z da other crazy guy always do the crazy thing--".........

ive ate hole bag of pop con be4 the movie start=="..............why.....why ill do these=¤f=..........(just remenber that seen a advertisement from the internet be4 i go.....it said" every 5 second there a person will die from famine"......itz fuckin horrible things low..........)anyway~~~itz a good film~haha~~funny~~wt a crazy director~it finished at half 1~then go home la~~~

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