2003-01-27 Houston - U.S.Tour 美國-侯斯頓之遊
In the Johnson Space Centre, you can see the actual control centre of the Apollo 11 which first landed on the moon in 1969.
Kenneth LeeBeautiful people, Beautiful Sceneries 美麗的人物,美麗的風景
The Rocket IMG_2344
Look at the plate and you know where. IMG_2350
Inside the Johson Space Centre IMG_2352
The Space Shuttle IMG_2362
The Space Shuttle IMG_2363
Inside the Johson Space Centre IMG_2368
Inside the Johson Space Centre IMG_2371
The Canada Arm. This is the only thing you can find in the space shuttle which is "made in Canada" IMG_2374
THe Canada Arm IMG_2375
Part of the Rocket IMG_2380
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