Joseph :: 南非 '05 (SOUTH AFRICA)
15 - 22/11/2005
Cape Town, Cape Point, Cape of Good Hope,
Jonhannesburg, Pilanesberg National Park,
The Palace of the Lost City,
Gold Reef City .....
Visits: 984 times
Last changed: Dec 04, 2007
16 items in this album
Album: Cape Town 開普敦
Table Mountain桌山, Table Bay 桌灣

Changed: Nov 29, 2005.
Contains: 67 items.
Viewed: 714 times.
Album: Cape Town 開普敦
Aquarium 海洋水族館

Changed: Nov 24, 2005.
Contains: 22 items.
Viewed: 438 times.
Album: Cape Town 開普敦
Seal Island 海獅島

Changed: Nov 24, 2005.
Contains: 27 items.
Viewed: 508 times.
Album: Cape Town 開普敦
Penguin Beach 企鵝沙灘

Changed: Aug 04, 2011.
Contains: 13 items.
Viewed: 474 times.
Album: Cape Town 開普敦
GROOT CONSTANTIA, South Africa's oldest wine estate

Changed: Nov 24, 2005.
Contains: 10 items.
Viewed: 423 times.
Album: Cape Town 開普敦
12 Apostles 十二門徒山

Changed: Nov 29, 2005.
Contains: 9 items.
Viewed: 431 times.
Album: Cape Town 開普敦
The Table Bay Hotel

Changed: Aug 04, 2011.
Contains: 21 items.
Viewed: 405 times.
Album: Cape Town 開普敦
Lobster lunch with beautiful beach

Changed: Nov 30, 2005.
Contains: 16 items.
Viewed: 368 times.
Album: Cape Town 開普敦
Cape Point
Cape of Good Hope好望角

兩洋交界, 大西洋&印度洋

Changed: Aug 04, 2011.
Contains: 44 items.
Viewed: 512 times.
Album: Johannesburg 約翰內斯堡
City Tour

Changed: Aug 04, 2011.
Contains: 19 items.
Viewed: 443 times.
Album: Johannesburg 約翰內斯堡
The Palace of the Lost City 迷城皇宮

Changed: Aug 04, 2011.
Contains: 62 items.
Viewed: 585 times.
Album: Pilanesberg National Park 比林斯堡野生動物保護區

Changed: Nov 30, 2005.
Contains: 100 items.
Viewed: 784 times.
Meal 開餐
Album: Johannesburg 約翰內斯堡
Lion Park 獅子園

Changed: Aug 04, 2011.
Contains: 36 items.
Viewed: 504 times.
Album: Johannesburg 約翰內斯堡
D"OREALE GRANDE Hotel at Emperors Palace 

Changed: Nov 29, 2005.
Contains: 14 items.
Viewed: 431 times.
Album: Johannesburg 約翰內斯堡
Gold Reef City 黃金礦城

Changed: Nov 30, 2005.
Contains: 24 items.
Viewed: 415 times.
Album: Snap Shot

Changed: Feb 01, 2007.
Contains: 16 items.
Viewed: 473 times.
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