Joe Wong :: 33rd Hong Kong Mount Bulter 15-km Cross-Country Race
The photo was taken at the location about 200m away from the finish line, the time stamp was based on the clock on my DSLR
Visits: 3988 times
Last changed: Mar 22, 2009
5 items in this album
Album: 大潭水塘

Changed: Mar 22, 2009.
Contains: 161 items.
Viewed: 2574 times.
Album: 終點 - 08:56 - 09:20

Changed: Mar 22, 2009.
Contains: 200 items.
Viewed: 2536 times.
Album: 終點 - 09:20 - 09:30

Changed: Mar 22, 2009.
Contains: 200 items.
Viewed: 1944 times.
Album: 終點 - 09:30 - 09:43

Changed: Mar 23, 2009.
Contains: 198 items.
Viewed: 2168 times.
Album: 終點 - 09:43 - 10:00

Changed: Mar 22, 2009.
Contains: 174 items.
Viewed: 1630 times.
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