中國.北京 China.Beijing
Horace LamHorace's Photo Album
太和廣場 - 紫禁城 Sequre of the Hall of Supreme Harmony - Forbidden City
紫禁城 Forbidden City
太和殿 - 紫禁城 Hall of Supreme Harmony - Forbidden City
太和殿 - 紫禁城 Hall of Supreme Harmony - Forbidden City
中和殿 - 紫禁城 Hall of Central Harmony - Forbidden City
保和殿 - 紫禁城 Hall of Preserving Harmony - Forbidden City
乾清門銅獅 - 紫禁城 Gilded Bronze Lion in Heavenly Purity Gate - Forbidden City
乾清門銅獅 - 紫禁城 Gilded Bronze Lions in Heavenly Purity Gate - Forbidden City
紫禁城 Forbidden City
乾清門 - 紫禁城 Heavenly Purity Gate - Forbidden City
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