Eddie :: 3年後的一次針草帽 Sep2009
又大大班人一齊, 由麥7,8, 轉落深井
8hr 15min, 走 26km

Visits: 1022 times
Last changed: Sep 20, 2009
70 items in this album
好獨步山頭, KOTH, king of the hill IMG_4236
草山前一亭, 好曬, 但又好涼 IMG_4238
唔使咁型啦. IMG_4239
好 like 厘張, 影到大家o個個 heart IMG_4240
真係冇汽水機 IMG_4241
望下左上角 ! IMG_4242
於大帽山上 IMG_4243
好獨步山頭, KOTH, king of the hill IMG_4236
Viewed: 201 times.
草山前一亭, 好曬, 但又好涼 IMG_4238
Viewed: 124 times.
唔使咁型啦. IMG_4239
Viewed: 75 times.
好 like 厘張, 影到大家o個個 heart IMG_4240
Viewed: 128 times.
真係冇汽水機 IMG_4241
Viewed: 196 times.
望下左上角 ! IMG_4242
Viewed: 93 times.
於大帽山上 IMG_4243
Viewed: 46 times.
Viewed: 49 times.
好 "之" IMG_4246
好應市 IMG_4247
Mac trail 新路 IMG_4249
your end pt today IMG_4251
阿棠出現, 估唔到大家話要食燒鵝喎. @ 4:15pm IMG_4252
Viewed: 52 times.
好 "之" IMG_4246
Viewed: 54 times.
好應市 IMG_4247
Viewed: 50 times.
Viewed: 130 times.
Mac trail 新路 IMG_4249
Viewed: 91 times.
your end pt today IMG_4251
Viewed: 63 times.
阿棠出現, 估唔到大家話要食燒鵝喎. @ 4:15pm IMG_4252
Viewed: 90 times.
Viewed: 108 times.
佢踩到想死咁滯 IMG_4255
又有. IMG_4257
真要停低 IMG_4260
點用 photoshop, 都咁黑, 哈哈 IMG_4261
燒鵝村呀, 大家係厘一段瘋狂加速呀 IMG_4263
死哂 IMG_4265
你又話唔落深井, 咪又 O, 等我叫陳生下次度一條再絕 D IMG_4266
裕記開飯 IMG_4267
佢踩到想死咁滯 IMG_4255
Viewed: 68 times.
又有. IMG_4257
Viewed: 57 times.
真要停低 IMG_4260
Viewed: 151 times.
點用 photoshop, 都咁黑, 哈哈 IMG_4261
Viewed: 154 times.
燒鵝村呀, 大家係厘一段瘋狂加速呀 IMG_4263
Viewed: 148 times.
死哂 IMG_4265
Viewed: 172 times.
你又話唔落深井, 咪又 O, 等我叫陳生下次度一條再絕 D IMG_4266
Viewed: 200 times.
裕記開飯 IMG_4267
Viewed: 201 times.
等食 IMG_4270
大文應該食左大半碟, 勁呀 IMG_4274
full. IMG_4277
encore IMG_4278
好2 節色 IMG_4282
Viewed: 139 times.
等食 IMG_4270
Viewed: 128 times.
Viewed: 118 times.
大文應該食左大半碟, 勁呀 IMG_4274
Viewed: 171 times.
Viewed: 71 times.
full. IMG_4277
Viewed: 110 times.
encore IMG_4278
Viewed: 140 times.
好2 節色 IMG_4282
Viewed: 159 times.
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