Sunday 31st August 2008 10:05:56 PM Photos of Me[ 0 messages] General 收到昨天的相, 越來越多個相簿, . . |
Saturday 30th August 2008 11:05:33 PM 烏溪沙[ 0 messages] General 過了處暑還是這麼熱, 近黃昏才出動, 在綱上看到別人的相簿, 在石灘上, 今天夕照彩霞不多, 晚餐去了布袋澳食花雕蒸蟹, . . |
Friday 29th August 2008 10:24:29 PM 我們[ 3 messages] General "我們"沒有我在內, 沒有特別寄望, 機會, 捱過了非常勞累的一週, 沉了下去. 我想, 罷了. . . |
Wednesday 27th August 2008 10:23:08 PM 網上打工[ 0 messages] General (星島)8月27日 星期三 06:30 我都係咁話, 古惑仔Online過癮好多! 你都快快加入同我一齊玩啦! 一齊去做世界! yeah!! . . |
Tuesday 26th August 2008 09:03:55 PM 走的走[ 0 messages] General 要走的, 留不住. 同事們的大合照, 工作的場合, 只是我一直都在, . . |
Monday 25th August 2008 10:52:52 PM 太虛失魂[ 0 messages] Health 看了醫生, 吃了藥, 但老細連續幾十個奪命追魂call, 生產力極低的一天, . . |
Sunday 24th August 2008 11:11:56 PM >~< 痛啊~~[ 2 messages] Health 痛症, 今日試下唔食, 痛醒後, P.S. 奧運閉幕, 有點失落... . . |
Saturday 23rd August 2008 11:42:26 PM 是日處暑[ 0 messages] General 上次打風後是立秋, 處暑者, 炎熱的暑天要結束是也. 上午一直在下雨, 哈! 竟然在沙灘遇到認識的人, . . |
Friday 22nd August 2008 10:13:16 PM 「鸚鵡」風眼直接掠過本港[ 0 messages] General 九號風球高掛的週五, (星島)8月22日 星期五 18:48 . . |
Thursday 21st August 2008 11:35:00 PM 奧運馬術在香港[ 2 messages] Sport 五時許出發去沙田, 沒想到會留足全場, 沒有大光圈長鏡頭, . . |
Wednesday 20th August 2008 10:51:44 PM 銀座藏人[ 0 messages] Food 第一次去, 試了黑豕吉列豬排午餐, 午餐餐牌有非常豐富的選擇,
. . |
Tuesday 19th August 2008 11:45:23 PM Doll Doll[ 0 messages] Computer 請繼續幫忙餵飽她.
. . |
Monday 18th August 2008 09:51:08 PM 徵友啟示[ 7 messages] General 現誠徵影友一名, 如有興趣 (不可打盹), 賽事詳情請看官方網頁. . . |
Sunday 17th August 2008 11:45:27 PM 沙田神神佛佛[ 0 messages] General 第一站: 車公廟 第二站: 道風山神學院 最後: 萬佛寺 . . |
Saturday 16th August 2008 11:06:25 PM 南生圍[ 0 messages] Art, Photography 午後去南生圍走了一圈, . . |
Friday 15th August 2008 09:43:36 PM 特別新聞報導[ 0 messages] General 今日中午, -------- 搞搞震記者直擊報導 . . |
Thursday 14th August 2008 10:31:24 PM 七月十四[ 3 messages] Current events 今日真係撞鬼!! 一波未平, 一波又起. 激氣. 放過我啦! 我想放假呀! 嗚...嗚...嗚...... . . |
Wednesday 13th August 2008 11:41:59 PM 萬一...[ 2 messages] Travel 萬一10月放唔到假, 波斯古國 - 伊朗十三天深度遊 繼續發下夢先! . . |
Tuesday 12th August 2008 11:09:24 PM 秋季旅行[ 3 messages] Travel 呢個團又好似幾好喎...... 明永冰川、梅里雪山、丹巴美人谷、人間淨土伍須海、稻城亞丁秋色攝影十四天團 2008年10月18日出發 HK$11,880 呢個又好似唔錯噃...... 芒康、八宿、然烏、波密、林芝、拉薩、人間仙境措普溝、稻城亞丁川藏南線秋色攝影十五天之旅 (行程準備中) 2008年10月18日出發 團費待定 唔......... . . |
Monday 11th August 2008 11:26:31 PM 五色福娃[ 2 messages] General 集齊一套福娃襟章: 貝貝 = 北京歡迎您. 好明顯係奧運上o左腦! . . |
Sunday 10th August 2008 06:11:35 PM 中環碼頭隨影[ 2 messages] Art, Photography 今早起床, 中午過後起程, 看碼頭海報, 還有個攝影比賽(比賽截止延期至八月十五日), . . |
Saturday 09th August 2008 11:53:50 PM Around the World in 80 Days[ 2 messages] Entertainment 今晚應邀看了這齣百老匯式音樂劇, 改編自同名小說, 來來去去都是一班人, 可能這個故事實在太熟悉, 七百幾一張飛, . . . |
Saturday 09th August 2008 05:06:26 PM SMAP x Pocari Sweat[ 0 messages] General 繼 Smap vs. Old Men: Ruby 之後, Very funny. . . |
Friday 08th August 2008 08:08:08 PM 北京奧運開幕[ 0 messages] Current events 2008.8.8 20:08 這組魔法數字, One World, One Dream. 中國加油!! . . |
Thursday 07th August 2008 07:56:00 PM 立秋[ 6 messages] Current events 打完風, 望一望日曆, 二十四節氣中, 咦?! 今日仲係七月初七喎, 咁o既環境, 吟番首詩先. “七月七日長生殿, 之乎者也! . . |
Wednesday 06th August 2008 08:55:39 PM 打風在家的一天[ 4 messages] General 瞓覺, 食, 原來無聊的時候, 好在這樣的休息日不常有, . . |
Tuesday 05th August 2008 10:41:52 PM 北冕[ 8 messages] General 又打風, 聽朝早最接近喎... (明報)8月5日 星期二 21:35 熱帶風暴北冕接近本港,天文台已於晚上7時15分改發3號強風信號。 天文台稱,預料本港平均風速每小時41至62公里。在晚上7時,熱帶風暴北冕集結在香港之東南偏南約220公里,即在北緯20.5度,東經115.1度附近,預料向西北移動,時速約16公里,靠近廣東西部沿岸地區。 過去數小時,熱帶風暴北冕繼續趨近廣東沿岸。本港風力正逐漸增強。 按照目前途徑,熱帶風暴北冕將於明日初時最接近本港,在香港150公里範圍內掠過。 當北冕進一步接近香港時,本港將由今日普遍吹偏北風轉為明日吹偏東風,本來受遮蔽的地方可能會變得當風。市民應提防風向的轉變,及早作好準備。 (圖: 今日午餐@Cafe Habitu) . . |
Monday 04th August 2008 11:01:10 PM 週日遊(二)[ 0 messages] General 觀日落 & 晚餐: 是日兩項節目, |
Sunday 03rd August 2008 11:59:17 PM 週日遊(一)[ 2 messages] General 行山 & 下午茶: |
Saturday 02nd August 2008 09:54:19 PM 盜墓迷城 3[ 1 messages] Entertainment 有免費飛睇 Mummy, 影評話: 不過, 中國市場咁大, 盜墓迷城系列1&2, 伊芙蓮這個角色, 完場前, 埋下伏線, . . |
Saturday 02nd August 2008 03:57:15 PM August Horoscope[ 0 messages] Reading Summary for Cancer by Susan Miller It's time to restructure your finances, and even if you don't feel ready, the total solar eclipse on August 1 will do it for you if you don't. Eclipses are the most powerful tools the universe uses to affect change, and this month you'll train your attention on how you earn, spend, save, and invest. A solar eclipse usually portends the end of one situation and the start of another. If you have not been properly compensated, the universe will sweep away your present job to help you find a new, better paying one. If you're self-employed, a trusted client may end the relationship, forcing you to pitch another more lucrative client. Later you'll be glad for this - a solar eclipse doesn't just end things, but opens a new path, too. In this highly financial month, two weeks later, on the lunar eclipse August 16, you will need to look at debt and how you manage it, as well as money owed to you and whether you are receiving those payments. If you have been in the process of a divorce or wrangling with an insurance company over a payout, things are likely to get settled at this lunar eclipse August 16 plus approximately seven days. If you don't get a resolution now, you will in early February 2009. Still, before you sign any contract or agreement, make sure certain information is forthcoming and not being withheld to change your perception of the picture being presented. Neptune will be active, and Neptune is notorious about obscuring information. This will be a more emotional point in the month, as lunar eclipses are always full moons. You'll need to stay objective and rational to sort out all that is being discussed and decided, as hard as it may be to do. A partner or middleman appears to be influential in helping you find workable financial solutions. If you do need to sign a contract, do so after the month's second new moon, August 30. Be sure of what you are signing at this time, for whatever you agree to will stay in place a very long time. This agreement would represent a serious commitment. This month won't be just about calculator tape, statements, and receipts (although, admittedly, it might feel that way in the first three weeks with two eclipses emphasizing this part of your chart). There's plenty of evidence that you will be able to flee town in late August to enjoy quick weekends away in the countryside with friends or family. The diversion will do you good. You also seem interested in changing your home space, perhaps in big or little ways. If, after you analyze your income and outgo, it becomes clear that your rent is too burdensome, you may now move. If you can afford it, you will start to make important changes to make it more personal and cheery. If you don't finish things, you'll get another opportunity in late September and through October to continue your plan. It would be fun to window shop at the very least, to decide among your decorating options. Mars will help you find wonderful ideas. Romantically, with so many serious subjects on your plate, you may not feel as amorous as you usually do. Bide your time - late October through November will not disappoint you. . . |
Friday 01st August 2008 10:24:08 PM 無緣相愛就要放手[ 2 messages] Love, Friendship (星島)8月1日 星期五 06:29 共勉之! |
Friday 01st August 2008 08:53:20 PM 20th[ 2 messages] General 2008年8月1日, 除此之外, 為了隆重其事, 多謝共事多年的伙伴們請客, 亮明居 Lumiere Sichuan . . |
Friday 01st August 2008 12:00:00 AM *_*[ 0 messages] General . . |