LT Photography :: Birds of Hong Kong(香港鳥類)
Visits: 1205 times
Last changed: Mar 17, 2023
37 items in this album



Album: Suldae(鰹鳥科)

Changed: Nov 21, 2022.
Contains: 3 items.
Viewed: 25 times.
Album: Jacanas (水雉科)

Changed: May 07, 2022.
Contains: 1 item.
Viewed: 41 times.
Album: Swallows and Martins(燕和沙燕)

Changed: Apr 20, 2022.
Contains: 1 item.
Viewed: 36 times.
Album: Terns(燕鷗科)

Changed: Mar 19, 2023.
Contains: 5 items.
Viewed: 158 times.
UK3A2874r (1)
_K3A3179r (1)
Album: Gulls (鷗科)

Changed: Mar 17, 2023.
Contains: 1 item.
Viewed: 26 times.
Album: Ducks, Geese and Swans(鴨科)

Changed: Mar 25, 2023.
Contains: 8 items.
Viewed: 328 times.
Album: Grebes(鸊鷉科)

Changed: Feb 06, 2013.
Contains: 1 item.
Viewed: 322 times.
Album: Sandpipers and Snipes(鷸科)

Changed: May 19, 2022.
Contains: 11 items.
Viewed: 338 times.
UK3A2815r (1)
_K3A3980r (1)
_38T0145r 2 (1)
Album: Avocets and Stilts(反咀鷸科)

Changed: Feb 16, 2013.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 275 times.
Album: Plovers(鴴科)

Changed: Nov 20, 2014.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 287 times.
Album: Rails and Coots(秧雞科)

Changed: Mar 31, 2016.
Contains: 1 item.
Viewed: 140 times.
Album: Kingfishers(翠鳥科)

Changed: Dec 23, 2014.
Contains: 4 items.
Viewed: 290 times.
_38T6574r (1)
Album: Ibises and Spoonbills(䴉科)

Changed: Nov 01, 2012.
Contains: 3 items.
Viewed: 286 times.
Album: Heron, Egrets and Bitterns (鷺科)

Changed: May 07, 2022.
Contains: 8 items.
Viewed: 442 times.
Album: Finches(燕雀科)

Changed: Feb 21, 2014.
Contains: 1 item.
Viewed: 226 times.
Album: Tits(山雀科)

Changed: Jan 16, 2023.
Contains: 3 items.
Viewed: 118 times.
_38T0070r (1)
DSC01083r (1)
_38T0093r (1)
Album: Sparrows(雀科)

Changed: Sep 01, 2015.
Contains: 1 item.
Viewed: 217 times.
Album: Orioles(黃鸝科)

Changed: Oct 18, 2015.
Contains: 1 item.
Viewed: 169 times.
Album: Pipits(鷚科)

Changed: Nov 27, 2022.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 166 times.
Album: Sunbirds(花蜜鳥科)

Changed: Dec 15, 2014.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 279 times.
_38T0018r (1)
_38T0285r 2
_K3A3612r (1)
Album: Crows(鴉科)

Changed: Apr 29, 2017.
Contains: 5 items.
Viewed: 305 times.
Album: Flycatcher(鶲科)

Changed: May 08, 2022.
Contains: 4 items.
Viewed: 247 times.
Album: Babblers(畫眉科)

Changed: Dec 20, 2014.
Contains: 1 item.
Viewed: 266 times.
Album: Warblers(鶯科)

Changed: Dec 20, 2022.
Contains: 6 items.
Viewed: 229 times.
UK3A7467r (2)
Album: Flowerpeckers(啄花鳥科)

Changed: Apr 19, 2014.
Contains: 1 item.
Viewed: 205 times.
Album: Bulbuls(鵯科)

Changed: Jan 07, 2017.
Contains: 4 items.
Viewed: 392 times.
Album: Shrikes (伯勞科)

Changed: Apr 29, 2017.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 274 times.
Album: Thrushes(鶇科)

Changed: Dec 23, 2022.
Contains: 11 items.
Viewed: 632 times.
_K3A4213r (1)
_38T0556r (1)
Album: Wagtails(鶺鴒科)

Changed: Nov 04, 2022.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 283 times.
Album: Buntings(鵐科)

Changed: Nov 01, 2022.
Contains: 3 items.
Viewed: 231 times.
Album: Eagles and Hawks (鷹科)

Changed: Jan 15, 2023.
Contains: 5 items.
Viewed: 298 times.
Album: Cuckoos(杜鵑科)

Changed: May 21, 2017.
Contains: 3 items.
Viewed: 323 times.
1DM46563r n
_Q8G0839r (1)
Album: Cisticolas and Prinias(扇尾鶯科)

Changed: Feb 16, 2013.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 392 times.
Album: Owls (鴟鴞科)

Changed: May 09, 2012.
Contains: 1 item.
Viewed: 303 times.
Album: Parrots and Cockatoos(鸚鵡科及鳳頭鸚鵡科)

Changed: Feb 12, 2013.
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 186 times.
Album: Starlings and Mynas(椋鳥科)

Changed: Apr 29, 2017.
Contains: 3 items.
Viewed: 184 times.
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42 0.00989675521851 0.0623500347137